Dynamiki S.A is a contemporarydistribution network of spirits and wines, operating since May 2013.
Dynamiki S.A was founded by Isidore Revah in 2013.Mr. Revah a landmark personality in beverages industry, symbol of a historylasting for more than 100 years, but with a playful way of thinking towards newideas and technologies, has created the leading distribution network of spiritsand wines in Greece.
In 2018, having given the reins of the business tothe third generation, he continued to be present as our honorary president.Panos Barlos and Rene Revah, continue to evolve the business, driven by respecttowards their partners, suppliers, customers, and the end consumer.
The company having a private fleet, representation toall geographical regions and trustworthy collaborations with almost everywholesale company in Greece, succeeds national coverage.
Manned by executive professionals in the area of wineand spirits, Dynamiki is ready to provide consulting, education, tasting, winelists and original cocktail recipes for its customers in every part of thecountry.

The basic motivational power ofDynamiki S.A is its own identity. Optimism, passion, immediacy, responsibility,teamwork, but also respect to distinctiveness.
The core of our philosophy is toefficiently serve our customers, and at the same time to maintain the qualityof our personal life. Essentially, Dynamiki supports the value of family, maternity,and personal accomplishment.
We work with passion and prudence for thedevelopment of our company, but at the same time we never forget to have funtogether. After all, this is what we offer to the consumer, while at the sametime we exhort him to <<enjoy responsibly>>

Οur vision is, to maintain our identity and become thebiggest representation and distribution network of wine and spirit in Greece, whilefollowing international organizational standards of technological equipment andreliability. Our goal is the efficient service and support for every customerin every part of the country, with purpose our mutual development andevolution.
Our principles